TCR Traditional Cob Spring Show 2025
Mullingar Equestrian Centre
Sunday, 9th March 2025
Morning Classes
Starting at 9.30 am
Entry fee is €35
Class 1 (In-Hand)
2024 Fillies
Class 2 (In-Hand)
2024 Colts & Geldings
Class 3 (In-Hand)
2023 Fillies
Class 4 (In-Hand)
2023 Colts & Geldings
Class 5 (Ridden)
Geldings & Mares
Classes 1 to 4 will each be divided into four groups (16 in all) which will be judged separately as if they are 16 separate classes.
Group 1
Traditional Cob (Irish Cob & Gypsy Cob)
Group 2
Part Bred Traditional Cob
Group 3
Mini Traditional Cob
Group 4
Stepping Cob
Afternoon Classes
Starting at 12:00 pm
Entry fee is €35
Class 6 (In-Hand)
Geldings (3+ years old)
Class 7 (In-Hand)
Mares (3+ years old)
Class 8 (In-Hand)
Stallions (3+ years old)
Classes 6 to 8 will each be divided into four groups (12 in all) which will be judged separately as if they are 12 separate classes.
Group 1
Traditional Cob (Irish Cob & Gypsy Cob)
Group 2
Part Bred Traditional Cob
Group 3
Mini Traditional Cob
Group 4
Stepping Cob
Follow Up Classes
After classes have finished
Best Old-Type Piebald Gelding
From Class 6 - Group 1
Best Old-Type Piebald Mare
From Class 7 - Group 1
Best Old-Type Piebald Stallion
From Class 8 - Group 1
Champion & Reserve Champion
From Class 7 & 8 - Group 1
If you want to sponsor a class please contact us at: +353858572718

Membership Card Preview


The Traditional Cob Registry
Membership Benefits
25% Discount on Class Entries
25% Discount on Registration Fees
25% Discount on Registration Books
Become a Member
1. The Exhibit
(a) On arrival at the show, the exhibit must be checked in at the TCR office. When checked in, the exhibit will be given an exhibition number which must be displayed on the exhibit at all times on the day of the show.
(b) The exhibit must be exhibited in a suitable properly fitted show bridle and bit that are clean and in good condition. Rollers and side reins are not permitted except in a winners’ parade. All foals (whether or not they are exhibits) must wear a head collar and be led with a lead rope.
(c) The exhibit must stand, walk, and trot in a controlled manner. If the exhibit cannot be exhibited in a controlled manner, then the exhibitor (handler) may be asked to leave the grading/show ring with the exhibit.
2. The Exhibitor (Handler)
(a) The exhibitor (handler) must be 18 years of age or over and must wear suitable show clothing and footwear and also protective headgear to standard. The exhibitor can carry a show cane.
(b) It is the exhibitor’s (handler’s) responsibility to ensure that they are ready and waiting to be called. Staying informed of the day's schedule is essential.
(c) The exhibitor (handler) must follow the instructions of the judges and stewards.
3. The Owner
(a) The owner is responsible for ensuring that the exhibit is kept under control during the entire day of the show and for maintaining a safe distance from the other exhibits and attendees.
(b) The owner is responsible for any injuries caused by the exhibit to any animal and/or person at the show.
(c) The owner is responsible for any damage caused by the exhibit to any property and/or to any vehicle at the show.
(d) The owner must accept that the decision of the judge (or judges) is final.
1. TCR 5-Star Grading
It is because TCR 5-Star grading is a show grading that TCR 5-Star grading includes Star 1 - Exhibitor Turnout & Handling.
Star 1 - Exhibitor Turnout & Handling
The exhibitor's turnout will be scored as well as how well the exhibit behaves and shows for the exhibitor.
Star 2 - Conditional & Presentation
The exhibit will be scored on its body condition as well as on the condition of its mane, tail and leg feather. The exhibit will also be scored on how well it is groomed and on the suitability and condition of its bridle, bit and lead rein.
Star 3 - Breed Type
The exhibit will be scored on how well it represents its Traditional Cob breed type (Traditional Irish Cob, Irish Cob, Traditional Gypsy Cob, Gypsy Cob, Mini Cob, Mini Irish Cob, Mini Gypsy Cob, Stepping Cob, or Part Bred).
Star 4 - Conformation
The exhibit will be scored on its conformation as its Traditional Cob breed type (Traditional Irish Cob, Irish Cob, Traditional Gypsy Cob, Gypsy Cob, Mini Cob, Mini Irish Cob, Mini Gypsy Cob, Stepping Cob, or Part Bred).
Star 5 - Movement
The exhibit will be scored on its movement at walk and trot. The exhibit’s trot should be normal or not over-exaggerated except for the Stepping Cob.
2. TCR Premium Grading
Although a TCR 5-Star grading is a show grading a TCR Premium Grading is breeding status grading and can only therefore be achieved if proven to have produced TCR 5-Star (show quality) graded progeny. To achieve a TCR Premium Grading, a TCR-registered stallion or mare must therefore be recorded by TCR as having produced at least two TCR-registered progeny that have been awarded a TCR 5-Star grading. Although it would be desirable if the TCR-registered stallion or mare also has a TCR 5-Star grading, is it not necessary for the TCR-registered stallion or mare to even be graded in order to achieve a TCR Premium Grading.
Evelyn Flynn
As author of The Irish Cob Breed Standard Evelyn was officially approved in Ireland as the first inspector and inspector trainer for the mother Irish Cob studbook which was officially founded in 1998. Up until 2012 Evelyn conducted numerous ICS Studbook inspections in Ireland and throughout Europe and also held seminars educating Irish Cob breeders and enthusiasts about the breed.
Kristiina Peltonen
Kristiina became an Irish Cob inspector in 2005, judging the breed nationally and internationally while also training new inspectors across many countries. As the founding chairperson of the Finnish Irish Cob Society (est. 2002), Kristiina was instrumental in launching Finland's Irish Cob studbook in 2013, which upholds the breed’s original standard and a strong breeding program.
Mia Miettinen
Mia became an international Irish Cob judge in 2019 and has since judged in multiple countries. She chaired the Finnish Society of Irish Cobs (FSIC RY) for 10 years, contributing significantly to the promotion of the breed. A breeder and trainer of quality horses, Mia has also dedicated herself to training new judges. She is currently studying to become an Academic Art of Riding (AAoR) trainer.
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TCR Traditional Cob Spring Show 2025Event Time
08:30 AMEvent Date
Sunday, 9th March 2025Location
Mullingar, Westmeath, IrelandMonths